Help Provide Care Entry

I would like to help provide Care!

In Matthew 25:40 Jesus reminds us, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” We appreciate that you are willing to help come alongside folks at a time of need.

We are especially mindful during this time that there are people in our church family that could be at a higher level of need. For example; elderly, shut-ins, widows, single parents, special needs, brand new parents, those who are immune compromised or have medical needs, or maybe you have hurts/habits or histories that are especially difficult during this time. Know that these folks will be our priority during this time.

Please fill out this form and we will match you with a need that needs to be met.

* Required

If you are seeking to help our church family through financially contributing to the Assistance Fund click HERE to give now.