
Naperville Campus

Welcome CompassKids!

Weekend Programming
Sat 5p, Sun 9:15 & 11:15a
New this weekend? Save time and pre-register HERE.

Your First Visit

We've designed a fun, engaging, and faith-forming environment just for kids! Here's more info about what you can expect.

Drive Time

We partner with parents to raise kids that love and follow Jesus. Drive Time is our tool to equip you to drive home our teaching message while you literally drive home.


Your baby's first experience with church will be safe and secure with dedicated, loving, and trained caregivers.

Age 2-4

Children meet in a large group, just like the "big kids," hear the same Bible story, sing and dance, and have engaging activities to reinforce the lesson.

PreK-Grade 1

Topher the Gopher helps children learn an age-appropriate Bible lesson in an active and high-energy way, plus every lesson has a "Big Idea" takeaway. Just like in the older classroom, lessons are in chronological order.

Grades 2-5

We teach the Bible in chronological order, focusing on God's big plan of redemption. Every lesson is infused with high-energy, fun, memorable activities, clear teaching, discussion, application, and even quiet reflection.

5th Grade Discipleship

This is your child's last year in CompassKids and we want to make it their best!

Family Community Night

Family Community Night is a family ministry meeting on Wednesday nights from September through April. It is structured to build a community committed to growing closer to God together as families. 

Sensory Room

CompassKids has a classroom for children Ages 4-12 available at our Sunday 9:15a service only. This environment is an option for those whose disability makes our regular classrooms feel overwhelming.

Child Dedication

Our Child Dedication Celebration is the partnership between the church and your family so you have the support of a faith community as you build into the spiritual life of your child.

Upcoming Naperville Campus CompassKids Events



Naperville Campus

CompassKids Programming



Naperville Campus

CompassKids Programming



Naperville Campus

Child Dedication Celebration

Serve with CompassKids

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