
Bolingbrook Campus

At The Compass Church we are committed to helping adults grow spiritually and relationally. We believe that smaller communities are the perfect environment for facilitating spiritual growth, connection, engagement, and learning.

Want to look at groups you could join?

Fill out this form to have us help you Connect in a Group.

Bolingbrook Campus Adult Options

Our Women’s Ministry exists to help women—whatever their background or life stage—to explore and experience in the context of female friendships what it means to be a godly woman. Search available women’s small groups using our online “Find a Group” feature. For information about upcoming Women’s events, contact To get started, please click HERE and fill out the form so we can get to know you better and connect you with a group that's just right for you!

Our Men’s Ministry exists to help men—whatever their background or life stage—to explore and experience in the context of male friendships what it means to be a godly man. Search available Men’s small groups using our online “Find a Group” feature. For information about upcoming Men’s events, contact To get started, please click HERE and fill out the form so we can get to know you better and connect you with a group that's just right for you!

Christ calls us to authentic, loving relationships - the kind that are best cultivated in intentional small group settings. Our Bolingbrook Campus small groups all share the same three-fold purpose of:

  • Looking Up - growing in our love for God
  • Looking In - our love for one another
  • Looking Out - our love for our neighbor

Join a small group and discover a sense of belonging, develop meaningful friendships, and take next steps on your spiritual journey. It might be the best thing you can do for your spiritual growth!
To get started, please click HERE and fill out the form so we can get to know you better and connect you with a group that's just right for you!

Creemos que los grupos pequeños son una manera ideal para crecer en comunidad y para ahondar en la fe. Entérate de las opciones que te ofrecemos escribiendo a

If you would like more information about how to connect with a group, contact

Upcoming Bolingbrook Campus Adults Events



Bolingbrook Campus

Women's Grief Support



Bolingbrook Campus

Clothing Closet



Bolingbrook Campus

Clothing Closet



Bolingbrook Campus

The Compass Church Food Pantry